Time to shift

from disposable to sustainable

About Hes2i

Welcome to High Environmental and Social Impact India (HES2i), where we are dedicated to creating a healthier planet through education, innovative services and community engagement. At our core, we believe in the power of collective effort and everyday climate actions to address the pressing environmental challenges of our time. Our mission is simple yet profound: to raise awareness, inspire action and empower individuals, communities, corporates to become stewards of the earth. Through a range of educational workshops and services, we strive to equip people with the knowledge, tools and resources they need to make informed decisions and positive changes in their lives and business.

Explore Our Services


The most powerful tool for quality climate education. Accessible to anyone and easily scaled within an organisation or company.


Assessment of your carbon footprint, Net Zero roadmap design and implementation based on Agile & PDAC methodology.


Compliant with 8 UN SDGs, our innovative EaaS service powers your office and home appliances that require small batteries.

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